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Windows Mobile / Windows CE Archives - Arcade Games
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- PocketGBA Gameboy Advance
PocketGBA Gameboy Advance is an emulater for the Pocket PC / Windows Mobile that allows you to emulate the Gameboy Advance on your Pocket PC. It can be downloaded for free.
- Shades n Shadow
A free shooter game of Shades and Shadow for the Pocket PC
- Space Invaders
Space Invaders is a shareware version of the classic arcade game.
- Space Invaders
A version of space invaders for the Pocket PC ported from Scott Ludwig's source code.
- Ultimate Fighter
Ultimate Fighter is a free arcade style shooting game for SmartPhones. You are piloting a chopper and have hordes of enemy figher planes to take down with various weapons and upgrades that you can earn as the game continues.
- Xplodus
Xplodus is a free game from PalmStorm. It is an award winning game where you plant bombs to blow up aliens and prevent then from defeating Private Pete. This game runs on Windows Mobile/Pocket PCs.
- Zombie Buster
Zombie Buster is a an first person shooter game where you get to destroy zombies while playing multiple levels and upgrading your weapons. A free download is available for Windows Mobile / Windows Phones.
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