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Windows Mobile / Windows CE Archives - Software Archives
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- Astraware
Astraware has a number of different games available for Windows Phone including categories such as Action games, board games, puzzle games word games and more.
- Freeware Pocket PC
This is a software archive with numerous applications available to download for free for Windows Phone and Windows Mobile devices.
- FreewarePPC.com
FreewarePPC.com has a large collection of freeware available for Pocket PC / Windows Mobile devices. It features software you can download in categories that include databases, games, hobbies, medical and more.
- HPC.net
HPC.net has has a large software archive of shareware, news and links for Windows CE and other handheld devices. It also has a number of different forums for various mobile devices.
- HPC.net WindowsCE links, news and shareware
This site has a large amount of resources for Windows CE including a large list of applications that run on Windows CE
- HTC Freeware
HTC Freeware is a site that features free software downloads as well as themes and wallpapers for the popular HTC Windows Mobile phone platform.
- O!Market
O!Market is a free application storefront that can be downloaded to most Windows Mobile devices. It allows you to browse and purchase applications directly from FreewarePocketPC.com
- oldSAP
oldSAP is a blog based site that has postings that contain information about free Windows Mobile freeware applications. Each posting is followed by a link to additional details as well as a link to a location where the free application can be downloaded. This site has over a thousand different Windows Mobile freeware applications described and available to download.
- pda-archives.com
PDA-archives.com's list of over 500 freeware applications for Windows Mobile / Pocket PC and Windows CE categorized by type.
- PDAgold.com
This site has a collection of over a thousand freeware applications available for downloads for Windows Mobile / Pocket PCs / Windows CE. The applications are in a number of different categories from games to utility programs.
- PDATopSoft.com
Freeware for Symbian, Blackberry and Android Software, Windows Mobile Smartphone (Pocket PC) Software, PDA Palm Treo and iPhone apps and
games as well as the Palm OS and Windows CE
- PocketPC Freeware
PocketPC Freeware has several thousand freeware applications available for the PocketPC and Windows CE. The
site has translations in English and French and has a forum.
- PPCGeeks Windows Mobile Software
PPCGeeks is a forum for fans of Smartphones. They have a forum with over 1 million posts and they include a section with Windows Mobile software that can be downloaded. Everything from games to cameras to GPS applications can all be found available to download.
- Samsung Apps
Samsung Apps is an app store for applications that have been optimized for use with Samsung devices that run Windows Mobile. Some of the apps require purchase, there are also some that are free. There is also a developers section for developers wanting to provide applications for download.
- Softonic
Softonic has a repository of free and trial versions of software for the Pocket PC. It has categories from Games and utilities to Travel and Infrared software. It features virus free downloads and well as listings of top downloads.
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